Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Annoying Co- Worker No 4-- "your bestfriend "

She pretends that she's your best friend. She sits at the desk next to yours and tells you all about her cheating boyfriend, her slob of a roommate--- giving you rambling monologues while you desperately try to get this months reports done. She's always asking you to have lunch or get a drink after work, and you're running out of excuses.

How to deal with it:
Limit her expectations. you can't freeze her out completely, but you  can control when-- and for how long-- you socialize with this person. So the next time she catches you in the kitchen and begins a soliloquy about her and her boyfriend's latest breakup, Shiela Heen , co-author of difficult conversions suggests saying "that sounds really hard" I wish I could give you my full attention , but I can't right now .Why don't we have lunch on Friday , so I can be more available.


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