The world is full of annoying people- from the chick blabbing loudly into her mobile phone on the train , to the guy who jumps the queue because he's " running late" Most of the time, the best way to handle them is simple- avoid them.But there's one place you can't escape people who are rude, lazy or just plain nasty- work.
In the office, you spend your day with people you haven't chosen to be with, and you have work toward a common goal. You can't ignore them because they could affect the future of your career.
This is the number-one issue in the workplace today.THE BIGGEST MISTAKE : treating all co workers exactly the same ." Different behaviours require very different techniques.
This girls knows everything-- from who is having an affair to who is about to be fired. Her fascinating facts and lively personality make her fun to be around- but beware.
Have you noticed she also takes a little too much interest in your life? As in , "Who was that I saw you having lunch with "? And "Wow you're really dressed up today. Got any interesting appointments"?
DEAL with IT:
Distract her. Don't lecture her about the hazards of gossip-- she'll just think you're uptight, and possibly make you the next subject of her tawdry tales. Instead , gossip with her about celebrities , rather than co workers. If she starts dishing about the boss relationship dramas, change the subject to Brad and Ange, or Tom and Katie. Next , convince her you're the most boring person alive . Give her a lot of details about the weekend you spent painting the walls . It's no fun to gossip about someone who isn't very interesting.
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