Monday, April 14, 2014

Interview Tips ^_^--- Straight from the CEO

    An employer wants to see if you'll fit into their work culture.

    Describe how you've done it in past jobs.

   Employers will google you to see your real personality.

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

How to Deal With Rude People ^_^

Many times in your life you will meet mean or rude people that you dislike, but you'll still have to pretend to like them anyway. This article will teach you all about how to politely deal with rude individuals whose company you couldn't care less for.

 Approach the situation with a rude person calmly by attempting to understand their perspective first. Note that just because you may understand another person's motivations, it does not mean that their behavior is justified.

  • People who are rude a couple of times and seem to be acting out of character may be upset at something else in their life, and simply taking their frustration out on you for no reason. Although that individual should know better than to let their emotions get the best of them, we all have our moments of irrationality. It's a very human quality.
  • This most commonly occurs with strangers, who don't expect to see you again and probably don't care about what you think of them. They don't bother to consider your feelings, especially if they're already emotionally bogged down by something else in their lives.
  • Other times, you'll get into situations (e.g., at work or school) in which people are persistently rude to you. They may have some prejudice about your gender, race, occupation, etc. or may be judging you for something else that you've done. These people are usually obstinate in their views, however false they may be, and there is little point in trying to disprove their biases.


 When the person in question does something rude or offensive to you, politely but firmly call them out on their inappropriate behavior. Look at the them in the eye and ask them to please stop provoking you.

  • Good phrases to use are: "Please stop, I don't appreciate your behavior" or "There's no need for such aggressiveness/rudeness/insulting comments/etc here."
  • Try to be calm and collected. Don't be aggressive or lose your temper, as that will only escalate the situation. Don't try to refute what the person said or engage in their conversation -- recognize that they're crazy and all you're trying to do is to limit their annoying behavior towards you.
  • Don't engage them in any sort of fight or argument, physical or otherwise. That will also only worsen the situation, and the last thing you need is an arrest warrant for assault and battery. Remember that you don't need to prove yourself to them.


If you think that the rudeness is based on a resolvable misunderstanding, you can extend the confrontation by asking them why they are behaving this way. If they give a rational response that you can address, go for it. If you can resolve the tension, that's the best possible scenario. At the same time, you may just unleash a flurry of angry nonsense that fails to justify their actions. At that point, recognize you've done all you can and proceed with the next step.
  • Some people genuinely don't realize they're being rude. They may not have learned certain social skills. In case you have encountered someone like this, you may want to politely inform that they have been rude. You'll generally get an apology straight away. If not, it may just take patience or avoidance.

Limit contact with this rude person as much as possible. If it's not inconvenient for you to switch offices or make some other change to avoid running into this person, take that step. You shouldn't let one person dictate your life or make huge sacrifices for them, but it will definitely help to not have them in your presence. Out of sight, out of mind.

Limit the people with whom you share these confrontations with to your closest friends. You don't want to tell any mutual friends or anyone who may disclose what you've said about them to the rude person. You may even accidentally offend someone who is friends with the rude person. No one likes knowing that they are being spoken about behind their back, and your gossiping would only give them a legitimate reason to act rude towards you in person as well as retaliate with gossip of their own. Do not create more fuel to worsen the situation.
  • Even when you talk about the situation to your friends, avoid exaggerating past the actual circumstances to turn the rude person into an evil caricature. You are understandably upset about the situation, but that also doesn't justify saying things that are untrue and potentially damaging to a person, and mean-spirited words like that can end up causing more unintentional harm in the future.
  • Instead, describe what happened, what rude action(s) the person said to you, and your reactions to them. Let your friends chime in with their reactions. Talk about the situation for emotional catharsis -- you want to let such an emotionally strenuous event off your back -- but then move on to something else.

Don't over think the situation. After you've confronted someone about their behavior and things haven't improved, you need to draw a line to accept that you've done as much as you possibly could to improve relations with them. There's no more thought that you need to give to the situation. Don't over analyze your behavior or theirs, your history of interactions, etc. Move on with your life and restore your sanity by banishing this rude person from your thoughts. Someone who is so hurtful towards you does not deserve any more of your energy.

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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Annoying Co- Worker No 5 "THE WHINER"


The coffee is stale. The boss is bitch . And no one understands how much she does for this company.Spending time with her is not only massively depressing, it also hurts your image. "Stay away from the complainer, for she will get fired one day" says Friedman. " One day she'll complain to the wrong person about the wrong thing, and she'll be gone.Don't let her take you with her".


Next time she starts complaining, respond with phrases like," Lets look at the positives"! and " Actually , I think (insert boss name) works really hard and cares deeply about staff. She'll leave you alone. " Make her see she's not going to get any satisfaction from you ."Once  she knows you're not buying in , she'll go suck the life out of someone else"


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Annoying Co- Worker No 4-- "your bestfriend "

She pretends that she's your best friend. She sits at the desk next to yours and tells you all about her cheating boyfriend, her slob of a roommate--- giving you rambling monologues while you desperately try to get this months reports done. She's always asking you to have lunch or get a drink after work, and you're running out of excuses.

How to deal with it:
Limit her expectations. you can't freeze her out completely, but you  can control when-- and for how long-- you socialize with this person. So the next time she catches you in the kitchen and begins a soliloquy about her and her boyfriend's latest breakup, Shiela Heen , co-author of difficult conversions suggests saying "that sounds really hard" I wish I could give you my full attention , but I can't right now .Why don't we have lunch on Friday , so I can be more available.


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Monday, March 31, 2014

Bondi Beach Excapades ^_*

While golden sands, turquoise waters and perfect waves make Bondi Beach an iconic Sydney attraction, there is plenty to do beyond the surf. Fine dining, eclectic shopping markets, gorgeous coastal walks and a buzzing nightlife can all be experienced in Bondi.

Check this link for more highlights :)

Looking for a good place for lunch ? I highly recommended to visit Hurricane grill and bar located nearby at Bondi beach. Here , they offering the best ribs (lamb, pork , beef) ever ^_^

Hurricane's Grill Bondi Beach
Fully licensed steakhouse restaurant & bar. Premium quality beef steaks, ribs, chicken and seafood. Phone (02) 9130 7101
 For more about Hurricane grill and resto .. please visit the website below ^_^ 

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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Annoying Co- Worker No.3 " THE UNDER-MINER"

She never says she thinks you're making a mistake. And at first her comments almost : "I love the way you always speak your mind in meetings-- its like you don't care what anyone thinks, or Wow , really interesting decision you made there.Not a lot of people would have done that. Is it any wonder you feel your confidence drop the moment she walks in the room ?


Pretend her faux praise is sincere. Even if it kills you inside, look at her and say, "Gosh , thank you for noticing! Its true-- I am outspoken! "Nothing tortures a mean person more than being perceived as being nice .


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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Annoying co- workers No 2. " THE SPOTLIGHT STEALER"

He might not lift documents off your desk and put his name on them, but this guy has a tendency to make your great idea seem like his.He is usually does his credit- grabbing in staff meetings.As soon  as you say something that interests the boss, he's front and centre, going on about the great idea, until everyone think it was his.


Put everything in writing.When you have a big idea to present, email it to several people-- it will provide absolute proof that it was yours. If you're planning to impress at a brainstorm, bring handouts with all the details clearly explained.And make sure you always keep the information flowing to your boss.

When you're selling your successes and contributions to your boss directly, these (co-workers) can have a little impact on your career. So share ideas with your boss privately whenever possible.If your boss knows how hard you're working , who cares if this person tries to take credit ^_^


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Annoying Co- Workers and how to handle them (Annoying Co-worker No.1-- THE GOSSIP)

The world is full of annoying people- from the chick blabbing loudly into her mobile phone on the train , to the guy who jumps the queue because he's " running late" Most of the time, the best way to handle them is simple- avoid them.But there's one place you can't escape people who are rude, lazy or just plain nasty- work.

In the office, you spend your day with people you haven't  chosen to be with, and you have work toward a common goal. You can't ignore them because they could affect the future of your career.

This is the number-one issue in the workplace today.THE BIGGEST MISTAKE : treating all co workers exactly the same ." Different behaviours require very different techniques.


This girls knows everything-- from who is having an affair to who is about to be fired. Her fascinating facts and lively personality make her fun to be around- but beware.
Have you noticed she also takes a little too much interest in your life? As in , "Who was that I saw you having lunch with "? And "Wow you're really dressed up today. Got any interesting appointments"?

 DEAL with IT:

Distract her. Don't lecture her about the hazards of gossip-- she'll just think you're uptight, and possibly make you the next subject of her tawdry tales. Instead , gossip with her  about celebrities , rather than co workers. If she starts dishing about the boss relationship dramas, change the subject to Brad and Ange, or Tom and Katie. Next , convince her you're the most boring person alive . Give her a lot of details about the weekend you spent  painting the walls . It's no fun to gossip about someone who isn't very interesting.


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Monday, March 24, 2014

How to manage the BAD BOSS ^_^

Most everyone can say they’ve worked for a bad boss. You know — those supervisors who dictate what you’ll work on and how you’ll do it, and then find fault if it doesn’t turn out the way they wanted it.
Bad bosses take the credit for the successes in the group but blame others for failures. They treat people according to rank, or maybe they’re racist or sexist, or they play favorites or are bullies. They suck the energy out of the team rather than inspire the group.
Enough said. If you’re stuck with a bad boss, here are some things you can do to survive.

Train your boss
Some bosses suffer from a lack of training; maybe yours never had guidance on leadership, supervision or diversity. Talk to the human resources department if your company has one. If not, you might need to talk to your boss. Directly, but politely, tell him or her about your needs for timely, specific feedback or goals.

Develop a positive relationship
Bosses are more apt to help you if they like you. This might not be a plausible strategy, but if it makes sense, try to befriend your boss. What are his or her hobbies? Interests? Goals at work? The more you understand your boss, the more you might be able to help meet his or her needs -- and yours as a result.

Understand your boss’s moods and style
Maybe there are certain times -- such as end-of-the-month number crunching -- when it would be wise to postpone a talk with your boss. Or maybe he or she is introverted and likes to see things in writing before discussing them. This doesn’t mean you always have to accommodate your boss; it just means you need to pay attention and learn how and when to best communicate.

Keep your boss informed
It’s important to periodically keep your boss informed about things you are doing to support the department or the firm. Bosses don’t know everything that’s going on, and they do like to hear what their employees are doing to support their agenda and the company’s mission.

Find a mentor
If you hate your boss but love the nature of your work or your company, another solution is to develop a mentoring relationship with a manager or peer in another department. Mentors can provide the career guidance and visibility you need to help you move forward in the organization. They can also provide psychosocial support, from offering advice to being a sounding board.

Report your boss
You might have to report your boss’s actions or performance to a higher-up or to someone in human resources. You may need to gather data from co-workers or others to support your case. Because of confidentiality issues, you aren’t likely to hear what the higher-level manager or HR department said or did to deal with your boss.

Find other options
If you can’t find a way to resolve the issue, and/or your boss simply will not make a change in behavior, you should start networking and looking for a new job. If you like your company, a transfer might be an option. You’ll need a strong support group within the company to help you make the transfer, especially if you don’t want to ask your boss for a recommendation.

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Guava Nutrition Facts ^_^

Guava has a higher anti-oxdinant lycopene content (prevents cancer) content ,than any other plant ,food,like tomatoes and watermelon.

1cup of guava provides 688 mg of potassium ,that , is almost 63% more than that in a medium banana.

It also has 4 times more vitamin C than in an orange .

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Health Tips : Quit smoking slowly ^_^

When quitting smoking , you may want to increase your niacin (Vitamin B) intake through fortified cereal, poultry, salmon, tuna, lean meats, legumes , beets , sunflower seeds and peanuts.

Niacin help reduce the cravings as its composition is similar to nicotine ^_^

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What to do at Blue Mountain ^_^

The Blue Mountains get their characteristic blue haze from the mixing of sunlight with drops of oil released by the eucalypts that blanket the region's vast tablelands and valleys.

Less than two hours from Sydney, Scenic World is renowned for providing the ultimate Blue Mountains adventure - from native birdlife and fresh air, to breathtaking views of the World Heritage-listed region including the Three Sisters, Katoomba Falls and Jamison Valley.

Journey on the world's steepest incline railway, glide between clifftops on the glass-floored Skyway suspended 270 metres in the air, descend into the ancient Jamison Valley by Cableway, explore Jurassic rainforest along the 2.4 kilometres walkway - the longest boardwalk in the Southern Hemisphere.

Make a day of it! Scenic World offers free all day parking and a choice of onsite dining options.

Glide between cliff tops and gaze at the rainforest canopy through the glass floor of the Scenic Skyway!
Suspended 270 metres above ancient ravines, the Skyway provides a unique thrill as breathtaking views are revealed beneath your feet through the electro-glass cabin floor. For the less adventurous, seating and solid flooring is also available!
With 360° views, the 720 metre journey provides the best views of Katoomba Falls, the Three Sisters, and Jamison Valley stretching to the horizon.
Disembark at the Skyway’s east station to access lookouts over the valley along with bush trails to Echo

Discover panoramic views of the World Heritage-listed Blue Mountains from the Scenic Cableway.
The 545 metre journey gently descends into the Jamison Valley and also returns visitors to the top of the escarpment. The Cableway’s fully enclosed cabin provides a unique vantage point for viewing the Three Sisters, Orphan Rock, Mt Solitary and Katoomba Falls.
Disembark at the bottom station to access the Scenic Walkway and stroll through 2.4 kilometres of Jurassic rainforest.
Wheelchair accessible with a capacity for 84 passengers, the Cableway is the steepest and largest aerial cable car in the Southern Hemisphere.


Discover the tranquility of ancient rainforest – or simply tire the kids out – strolling along our 2.4 kilometre Scenic Walkway.
Brilliant in sunshine and even better in the rain, this elevated boardwalk immerses visitors in Jurassic rainforest on the Jamison Valley floor with minimal impact on the environment.
Along the way, explore elements of the site’s coal mining history including the mine entrance, a replica miners’ hut and scale bronze sculpture of a miner and his pit pony.
Learn about local flora, listen for the native lyre bird or taste pure Blue Mountains water straight from Marrangaroo Spring. Enjoy a peaceful moment in the open-air Rainforest Room, or on rest benches located along the route.
Options for various walks taking ten minutes or a full hour are clearly signposted, along with the wheelchair accessible link between the bottom Cableway and Railway stations.


Discover the thrill of a 52 degree incline riding the steepest passenger railway in the world, the Scenic Railway.
A whole new visitor experience awaits, with glass-roofed red carriages offering expansive views of the rainforest setting and spectacular Jamison Valley.
Custom designed carriages allow passengers to choose their own adventure like never before, adjusting their seated position up to 20 degrees! Choose an adventurous ‘Cliffhanger’ ride at a steep 64 degree incline, or for those seeking a relaxed journey select the ‘Laid Back’ option. Of course, loyal fans can still ride the ‘Original’ at 52 degrees.
The Railway experience descends 310 metres through a cliff-side tunnel, emerging into ancient rainforest at the Jamison Valley floor. Operating since 1945, the Scenic Railway has thrilled 25 million passengers. The new train will be the fifth to ride the tracks since the Hammon family opened the attraction.
Carrying 84 passengers, the train departs every ten minutes. Disembark at the bottom station to access the Scenic Walkway and stroll through 2.4 kilometres of Jurassic rainforest.
The term ‘Scenic Railway’ was first used in the late 19th century in reference to amusement rides at English seaside funfairs. Consisting of simple carriages on rails, passengers passed a series of exotic ‘scenic’ backdrops such as the Swiss Alps or Egyptian pyramids.

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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Port Stephen- Top Five Adventures ^_^

1. Adventure on the Dunes
Experience the adventure of a lifetime and exhilarating ride as you head off on your own quad bike to discover "Stockton Beach & Sand Dunes" a 32km stretch of brilliant white sand and largest sand mass in the
Southern Hemisphere including the Sygna Shipwreck and WWII relics. You may prefer to opt for something different and ride a camel on sunset or hear the hooves hitting the sand and water on horseback. 

2. Swim with the Dolphins
See dolphins as you have necer seen them before. A unique opportunity to actually swim with wild dolphins in the pristine waters of the Port Stephens Marine Park. Be part of a pod as you travel with the wild
dolphins "the friendliest in Australia".

3. Wave Jumping

Hold on tight and see Port Stephens like never before. Enjoy the ride of your life on a Wave Jumping Safari. Step aboard a super fast, rigid inflatable vessel to explore the stunning coastline of Port Stephens and jump the waves. Cruise out the headlands of Tomaree and Yacaaba, then hold on, as twin 200HP engines take you jumping the waves past secluded ocean beaches, volcanic outcrops and islands. Keep an eye out for marine life, including dolphins, seals, sea turtles and marine birds. Be ready for adventure – and to get wet! Learn to surf, one of the greatest lifestyle sports at one of our pristine beaches.

4. Heart Racing
Soar up to 150 metres high with an exhilarating tandem parasail. Fly solo or tandem, stay dry or take a dip. Feel the thrill and enjoy breathtaking views of Port Stephens as you soar 150m into the air on board a ballooning parachute behind a high powered speed boat. You will be winched into the air guided by the boat below you. You can drop gently in the water and be hiked back into the air. Why not see Port Stephens from the air and take a scenic helicopter ride from high above. 

5. Game FishingGame Fishing is a very popular activity in Port Stephens and is a world class fishing destination, a must if your looking to catch the "big one". The keen fisherman can hire a charter vessel and take to the seas with qualified seamen and anglers on the ultimate deep sea charter. Species targeted include black, striped and blue marlin and shark species if your game. 

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Saturday, March 15, 2014

How to treat dry and flaky skin at home ^_^

Dry and flaky skin is a common complaint in the winter time. Cold, dry winter air sucks the life out of silky, smooth skin. Other factors that contribute to dry skin include aging, nutritional deficiencies, and a genetic predisposition.
There are many lotions and moisturizers on the market to combat dry skin. But most of them come with a big price tag. Natural home remedies are not only cheap, but also quite effective in nourishing and hydrating dry skin back to a healthy state.

Here are the top 10 home remedies for dry skin.

1. Olive Oil

Olive oil contains many antioxidants and healthy fatty acids that are good for your skin. It can soothe and condition dry skin all over your body.
  • Dab a thin layer of extra virgin olive oil under your regular moisturizer.
  • About a half an hour before taking a shower, rub some olive oil on your hands, legs and other areas with dry skin and massage lightly. Take a shower and then apply a light moisturizer.
  • Mix equal amounts of olive oil and fine brown sugar. Rub this homemade scrub on your dry skin using light, circular motions for a few minutes. Take a shower and then apply a light moisturizer.

2. Milk Cream

The lactic acid present in milk cream helps exfoliate dry skin. The soothing nature of milk cream also helps preserve the skin’s delicate pH levels. Milk cream is also an excellent moisturizer.
  • Mix a few drops of lemon juice, one teaspoon of milk and two teaspoons of milk cream. Rub it on your hands and legs. Leave it on for a while before you take a shower. Do this once daily.
  • Add enough milk cream to three to four tablespoons of gram flour to make a thick paste. Apply the paste on your face, hands and legs. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Do this once daily.

3. Milk

Milk has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that greatly help get rid of dry and itchy skin. Plus, the lactic acid in milk exfoliates dead skin cells and increases the skin’s ability to retain moisture. Also, it helps lighten your complexion.
  • Soak a washcloth in cold milk and put the cloth on your dry skin for five to seven minutes. Gently wash off the milk with another cloth soaked in lukewarm water. This way this natural moisturizer will remain on your skin. Do this every other day.
  • Add a few drops of rose water and lemon juice to four tablespoons of milk. Rub this solution all over your body. Leave it on for 10 minutes and wash your body with cold water. Follow this remedy twice daily.

4. Honey

Honey is considered one of the best natural moisturizers loaded with antioxidant, antimicrobial, and humectant properties. Thus, it helps lock in moisture to make your skin extra soft and smooth. Plus, honey has many essential vitamins and minerals that help improve your skin’s health.
  • Before taking a bath or shower, rub honey all over your body and leave it on for five to 10 minutes. Repeat daily to enjoy well-moisturized skin.
  • Measure out equal parts of unprocessed honey, beeswax, and olive oil. Melt the beeswax in a small pan over low heat. Remove it from the heat and mix in the honey and then the olive oil. Apply this mixture all over your body and leave it on for 10 minutes. Then take a shower. Repeat daily or every other day.

5. Yogurt

Yogurt is an excellent skin-hydrating agent. Plus, its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help soothe dry and itchy skin. Also, its lactic acid content helps get rid of any germs or bacteria that may cause dryness or itchiness.
  • Apply fresh yogurt on your hands, face and legs and gently massaging it into your skin. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then take a bath or shower. The mild exfoliating action of yogurt will remove dry skin and leave your skin refreshed. Do this once daily.
  • Mix one-half cup of yogurt and three tablespoons of mashed papaya. Stir in a few drops each of honey and lemon juice. Apply it on your skin and leave it on for 10 minutes before washing it off with cold water. Do this once a week.

6. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is really good for treating dry skin. It has a good amount of fatty acids that make up for any loss of moisture from the skin.
  • Liberally apply warm coconut oil all over your body before going to sleep. Wash it off in the morning. Do this daily to make your skin soft and smooth.
  • Apply coconut oil on your dry skin after you take a bath or shower. When the skin is warm and supple from your bath, coconut oil is more readily absorbed. Do this daily.

7. Avocado

Avocado is packed with fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants that help improve skin from the inside. The high vitamin A content also helps in skin maintenance and repair to restore smooth and silky skin.
  • Mash the pulp of an avocado into a smooth paste. Rub the paste all over your dry skin. Let it sit on your skin for 10 to 15 minutes and rinse it off with cold water. Repeat the process once daily.
  • Mash one-half of a ripe avocado and stir in one-half cup of honey. Apply the mixture on your dry skin and let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing it off. Apply this hydrating face mask once or twice a week. Do not use more often than that.
  • You can also drink a glass of an avocado smoothie daily to increase your intake of healthy fats that will help keep your skin hydrated and moisturized.

8. Oatmeal

You can also use oatmeal to moisturize and relieve dry skin. The high protein content in oatmeal leaves a protective barrier on the skin, which prevents water loss and helps maintain moisture. Plus, it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are good for the overall health of your skin.
  • Pour one cup of plain oatmeal into your bathtub filled with warm water. Add a few drops of lavender oil. Soak in the bath water for 15 to 30 minutes. Enjoy this soothing bath once a week.
  • Make a face mask by mixing one mashed ripe banana with one cup of ground oatmeal and then adding a little bit of lukewarm milk. Apply this smooth mixture on your dry skin and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse it off with cold water. Use this face mask once a week.

9. Almond Oil

Almond oil is an excellent source of vitamin E and, hence, is considered the best emollient and lubricator for dry skin. Also, its antioxidant property is good for your skin’s overall health. In addition, because this oil is non-greasy, it is easily absorbed in the skin.
  • Gently warm up some pure almond oil. Massage your body lightly with the warm oil a half an hour before taking a shower. After your shower when your skin is still damp, apply some light moisturizer. Do this once daily.
  • Drink a glass of warm milk mixed with one teaspoon of almond oil before going to bed. Repeat every night to enjoy healthier skin as well as sound sleep.
Note: Those who are allergic to almonds must not use the almond oil remedies.

10. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has soothing, antiseptic and antifungal properties that can help combat dry, irritated skin and prevent flaking. This simple remedy will moisturize your skin and form a protective layer that will keep your skin free from any kind of impurities.
  1. Cut open a fresh aloe vera leaf and squeeze the gel out of it.
  2. Apply the gel on your dry skin. Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  4. Do this twice daily.
Try these easy remedies to relieve the discomfort that comes from dry skin and restore its natural soft, smooth texture.

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Thursday, March 13, 2014

"Cheapest and Natural way to treat Dark circle under the eyes "^_^

A lot of people these days have dark circles under their eyes. Dark circles can develop at an early age, although it is more common among older people. Irrespective of age, men and women alike usually feel they don’t look their best when they have “bags” under their eyes.
It is often a hereditary condition. Also, dark circles tend to worsen with age as the skin thins and loses subcutaneous fat, which in turn exposes the blood vessels lying beneath the skin.
But many other factors can be at fault, such as excessive smoking, inadequate sleep, improper diet, excessive drinking, pollution and allergies.

Hormonal imbalances during menstruation, pregnancy or menopause can also contribute to dark circles.
There are many cosmetic products designed to minimize the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. But, most of these products are expensive and contain chemicals that can be harmful to the delicate skin. So, why not try home remedies? Many natural remedies can effectively treat this problem.

Here are the top 10 home remedies for dark circles.

1. Cucumber

Cucumbers have cooling as well as astringent properties and hence they are widely used to treat dark circles. They can lighten the color of the skin, increase blood flow and reduce puffiness.
  • Cut a cucumber into thick slices and chill them in the refrigerator. Place a cool cucumber slice over each eye for 10 to 15 minutes. Then wash the area with lukewarm water. Do this twice daily for at least a week to notice changes.
  • Grate a small cucumber, extract the juice and refrigerate it for a few minutes. Dip a cotton ball in the juice and apply it under the eyes. Allow the skin to absorb the juice for about 15 minutes. Then wash it off with lukewarm water. Do this twice daily for a week.
  • Another way to treat dark circles is to mix cucumber juice with lemon juice in equal quantities, then apply it on the skin near the eyes using a cotton ball. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash it off with water. Do this once daily for eight to 10 days.

2. Potato

Potatoes have natural bleaching properties that can help lighten dark circles. They can also help get rid of the puffiness around the eyes.
  1. Chill two potatoes in the refrigerator for one hour.
  2. Peel and grate the potatoes to extract the juice.
  3. Dip a cotton ball in the juice and apply it around your eyes before going bed. Leave it on overnight.
  4. In the morning, wash it off with warm water.
  5. Follow this remedy daily for a week or more to remove dark circles.

3. Green Tea Bags

Rich in antioxidants and tannins, green tea bags can help lighten dark circles. The tannins in tea also reduce swelling and puffiness.
  1. Boil two green tea bags in one-half cup of water for 10 minutes.
  2. Remove the tea bags and cool them in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  3. Put the cold tea bags over your eyes for about 15 minutes.
  4. Follow this remedy twice daily for at least 10 days to get positive results.

4. Rose Water

Rose water is a gentle ingredient with fabulous skin-enhancing benefits that can lighten dark circles under the eyes. Being a rich source of antioxidants, rose water can help strengthen skin cells, regenerate skin tissue and rejuvenate the skin around the eyes.
  1. Dip clean cotton balls in rose water and place them over your eyes.
  2. Leave them on for about 15 minutes and then wash the area with lukewarm water.
  3. Do this once in the morning and once in the evening, every day for two weeks.

5. Almond Oil

Almond oil is also very effective in lightening the skin color around the eyes. Being rich in nourishing vitamins and minerals, almond oil can replenish and rejuvenate the delicate skin and keep it moisturized.
  • Lightly massage five or six drops of almond oil into the delicate skin under the eyes before going to bed. Leave it on overnight and wash it off with cold water the next morning. Follow this remedy daily until the dark circles disappear almost entirely.
  • Alternatively, mix five or six drops of almond oil with one tablespoon of raw honey. Apply it carefully on the skin under the eyes before going to bed. Leave it on overnight and then wash with lukewarm water the next morning. Repeat daily until you get the desired results.

6. Milk

Milk contains lactic acid that helps soften and moisturize the skin under the eyes. Also, milk has protein, enzymes, amino acids and antioxidants that are required to strengthen the skin and heal damaged skin. Milk can be used as a cold compress to treat dark circles and reduce eye puffiness.
  1. Soak cotton balls in cold milk that has been in the refrigerator for at least one hour.
  2. Place the cotton balls under your eyes and hold them there until they become warm.
  3. Follow this remedy three or four times daily for a few weeks.

7. Tomato

Tomatoes are one of the most effective remedies for dark circles. They contain the antioxidant lycopene, which helps lighten the dark circles.
  1. Blend one medium-size tomato into a paste.
  2. Add one-half teaspoon of lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric powder and two teaspoons of gram flour to the tomato paste. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Apply the paste on the dark circles.
  4. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
  5. Do this two or three times each week until your dark circles go away completely.

8. Mint

The cooling effect of mint leaves can immediately soothe tired eyes, which in turn helps reduce dark circles.
  1. Grind a handful of fresh mint leaves into a paste. Add the juice from half a lemon to it.
  2. Apply the mixture on the dark circles.
  3. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
  4. Gently pat dry the skin with a soft cloth.
  5. Do this once daily until you get positive results.

9. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil helps moisturize the delicate and thin skin under the eyes, which in turn reduces the appearance of dark circles. It can produce positive results within a few days because coconut oil is easily absorbed by the skin.
  1. Dab a little coconut oil on the skin near the eyes.
  2. Massage the area in a circular motion, first clockwise and then counter-clockwise.
  3. Leave it on overnight and rinse it off with lukewarm water the next morning.
  4. Follow this simple treatment daily for about a week to start noticing a difference.

10. Fenugreek Seeds

The high amount of vitamin C, potassium and protein present in fenugreek seeds help lighten dark circles under the eyes. Plus, they can help balance the pH level of your skin, which is essential to maintain an even skin tone.
  1. Soak two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in water for three to four hours.
  2. Grind the seeds into a smooth paste.
  3. Mix in one-half teaspoon of turmeric powder, and then add one teaspoon of raw milk.
  4. Apply the mixture under your eyes.
  5. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water.
  6. Repeat once daily for a week.
Try these easy home remedies to treat dark circles under eyes. You do not have to spend a fortune and you do not have to worry about side effects.



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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away ^_^"

There is some truth behind the famous saying ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’. Apples have numerous health benefits.
Apples are one the most widely cultivated fruits in the world. There are about 7,500 varieties that can be enjoyed raw, in baked desserts and dishes, as applesauce or juice.
Apples contain almost no fat, sodium or cholesterol. Plus, they are packed with many important nutrients such as vitamin C (a powerful natural antioxidant), B-complex vitamins (riboflavin, thiamin, and vitamin B-6), phytonutrients, fiber, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Due to all these nutrients, apples rank high on the list of superfoods.

Here are the top 10 health benefits of apples.

1. Wards Off Cancer

Being a rich source of antioxidants and other phytochemicals, apples help protect cells from cancer-inducing oxidative damage, prevent the start of cancer, stop tumor growth and promote cancer cell death. Apples are particularly beneficial in preventing colon, breast, liver and lung cancer.
Several studies done by the American Institute for Cancer Research have found that regularly eating apples can suppress breast cancer tumor growth by 17 percent. Also, eating one or more apples per day can reduce the risk of lung and colon cancer and help maintain a healthy digestive tract.

2. Provides Healthier Heart

Apples are a rich source of phytonutrients known as quercetin, catechin, phloridzin and chlorogenic acids that help protect the cardiovascular system from oxidative damage. Oxidation is involved in plaque buildup that leads to different types of heart disease.
The pectin present in apples also helps lower bad cholesterol levels and prevent cholesterol from solidifying and blocking artery walls, which reduces blood flow to the heart.
University of California researchers found that eating two apples or drinking 12 ounces of apple juice daily is associated with a lower risk of death from heart disease.

3. Manages Diabetes

Apples can also lower your risk of diabetes. A study involving 187,382 people found that people who ate three servings of apples per week had a 7 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those who did not.
The polyphenols in apples influence the digestion process and absorption of carbohydrates, and this in turn improves regulation of blood sugar.
Also, apples lessen the absorption of glucose in the digestive tract, stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin and increase the flow of sugar out of the bloodstream and into the body’s cells. All these elements work together to reduce the risk of diabetes as well as manage the disease.

4. Aids Weight Loss

Apples are a rich source of fiber and have low calories, so they are great for keeping your weight under control. When you eat fiber-rich foods, your stomach stays satisfied longer which helps prevent overeating.
Also, the pectin present in apples aids weight loss. Pectin usually requires more chewing and makes you feel full. Moreover, when pectin dissolves in the stomach, it forms a gel-like substance that traps dietary cholesterol and fat, thereby limiting the amount of fat your cells absorb.
According to a Brazilian study, women who ate three or more apples a day lost more weight compared to those who did not. Maintaining a healthy weight also reduces your risk of heart problems, strokes, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and many other health issues.

5. Strengthens Bones

It is a known fact that calcium is the most essential nutrient for strong bones and apples are a good source of concentrated calcium.
Apples also contain antioxidants that help strengthen bone density and a compound known as boron that strengthens bones as well as prevents fractures.
Plus, the flavonoid known as phloridzin present in apples plays a key role in reducing the risk of osteoporosis, especially among post-menopausal women.
For stronger bones, enjoy fresh or dried apples.

6. Prevents Asthma

A British study found that people who ate two to five apples a week had a 32 percent lower risk of suffering from asthma compared to people who ate fewer apples. This is mainly due to the flavonoids found in apples that help calm inflammation in the airways.
Also, apples contain phenolic acids that make it easier for a person with asthma to breathe freely, reducing the need for breathing treatments.
Apples are also a good source of vitamin C, another essential nutrient for relieving inflammation and keeping the lungs healthy and strong. Vitamin C also boosts the immune system, which helps a person suffering from asthma fight off symptoms.

7. Brightens Teeth

Eating an apple after each meal can help you get rid of yellow stain on your teeth. The astringent quality and mildly acidic nature of apples can brighten and cleanse your teeth.
Apples act as a toothbrush when chewed and can help deal with stubborn stains. After eating and chewing crunchy apples for several days, you’ll see a difference in the color of your teeth.

Because apples contain sugar and acid, rinse your mouth with water after eating them. If the sugars and acid are left on the teeth, they can cause dental problems.

8. Detoxifies Liver

To detoxify your liver, you can do a two-day apple fast where all you do is eat apples for two days. The pectin in apples has exceptional detoxification properties. It helps eliminate unwanted heavy metals, excessive cholesterol and other toxins present in the body during the digestion process in the intestine.
This process reduces the workload of the liver and helps restore optimal digestive, cell and circulatory functioning.
A detoxified liver also prevents headaches, bloated stomach, allergies, indigestion and insomnia, all of which can be caused by toxins in the liver.

9. Improves Brain Health

Researchers at Cornell University found that both fresh apples and apple juice help slow age-related cognitive problems.
Apples are a leading source of quercetin, an antioxidant that protects brain cells from free radical attacks. This is very beneficial in improving brain health and reducing the risk of neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

To improve brain health, eat apples with their skins on as quercetin is mainly present in the skin.

10. Lowers Cholesterol

A study conducted at Florida State University found that those who ate apples everyday had less bad cholesterol (LDL) and more good cholesterol (HDL) compared to those who did not eat any apples.
High LDL cholesterol levels are considered very dangerous and may lead to many health problems, so it is very important to reduce its amount by eating apples.
The pectin present in apples also helps reduce cholesterol levels by lowering insulin secretion. Also, the fiber in apples helps prevent the amount of bad cholesterol present in the blood from rising. This in turn reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.
Now you know all the good reasons why you should eat an apple a day! Be it fresh apples or apple juice, always opt for the organic ones. Also, when you eat an apple, eat it with the skin to enjoy the maximum health benefits.

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Thursday, March 6, 2014

How to get rid of pimples fast :)

How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast
Pimples are a normal skin condition that affect many people. Pimples are an inflammation of the skin in which the sebaceous glands (oil glands) become infected with bacteria, swell up, and fill with pus. Excess sebum secretion by the oil glands is the primary cause behind this problem. Pimples generally occur on the face, neck, back and shoulders. Though not a critical condition, pimples can make a person feel miserable due to their appearance.

There are a lot of lotions and medicines on the market to treat pimples but they can take time. Many natural methods are effective in treating pimples within a very short time period.
Here are the top 10 ways to get rid of pimples fast.

1. Ice

Ice can be used to quickly get rid of pimples. It helps in improving blood circulation to the affected area, and in freezing the skin pores and removing dirt and oil accumulated on the skin. You can use ice cubes or crushed ice, whichever is convenient.
  1. Wrap the ice in a piece of cloth and hold it on the affected skin area for a few seconds.
  2. Wait a few minutes and repeat the process.
When used repeatedly on the pimples throughout the day, ice helps reduce inflammation or swelling and will immediately soothe your skin.

2. Lemon

Another quick way to get rid of pimples is the use of lemon juice, which is rich in vitamin C. Lemon juice helps pimples dry up faster. Be sure to use fresh lemon juice and not bottled juice, which has preservatives. There are a couple of ways to apply this remedy.
  • Dip a clean cotton swab in fresh lemon juice and apply it to the pimples before going to bed.
  • You can also make a paste by mixing one tablespoon of lemon juice with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and put it on the pimples overnight. In the morning, wash the skin well with lukewarm water. However, this particular remedy is not suitable for those with sensitive skin.

3. Honey

Honey is a source of natural antibiotics that can speed up the healing process, as well as help prevent infections.
  1. Dip and clean cotton swab in honey, put it directly on the affected area and leave it on for half an hour.
  2. Wash the skin well with lukewarm water.
Another option is to mix honey and cinnamon together to make a paste and applying it over the pimples before going to bed. In the morning, there will be less inflammation or swelling. Wash the skin well with cold water.

4. Toothpaste

The toothpaste that you use every morning to clean your teeth also can be used to treat pimples quickly. It is most effective when used following the ice remedy. You must use white toothpaste; avoid using gel toothpaste.
  1. Apply some white toothpaste over the affected skin area before going to bed.
  2. In the morning, wash your face with water and you will see a significant improvement in the swelling.
If you wish, you can repeat the process in the daytime also. Just make sure the toothpaste remains on the pimples for at least half an hour.

5. Steam

Steaming is wonderful for your skin at any time, but particularly when you have pimples. The steam will open your pores and allow your skin to breathe. This helps get rid of oils, dirt and bacteria trapped in the pores that can cause infection or inflammation.
  1. Fill a large container with hot water and allow the steam to come in contact with your face for a few minutes.
  2. Rinse your face with lukewarm water and, after drying, apply an oil-free moisturizer.
This treatment will also give your complexion a lovely glow.

6. Garlic

Garlic is an antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic and antioxidant agent that can help in the fast treatment of pimples. The sulfur in garlic also promotes quick healing of pimples.
  1. Cut a fresh garlic clove into two pieces.
  2. Rub the garlic on the pimples and leave it for five minutes before washing the skin with lukewarm water.
  3. Repeat the treatment several times a day.
Eating one raw garlic clove daily can also help purify your blood. But do not to eat too much raw garlic as it can upset the stomach.

7. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a good option for all, but especially those with sensitive skin because it will not cause any kind of skin irritation.
  1. Make a thick paste by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda with some water or lemon juice.
  2. Wash your skin well, leaving it slightly damp. Apply the paste on the affected areas and allow it to dry for a few minutes. Never keep baking soda on your skin for longer than a few minutes as it can cause dryness.
  3. Wash your face with warm water and apply a moisturizer.
  4. Repeat the process twice a day for quick results.

8. Peppermint

Peppermint is a powerful herb that can help eliminate pimples very fast. The calming, soothing effect of the menthol present in peppermint helps reduce the irritation and redness caused by pimples. Its antibacterial and antiviral properties also help kill bacteria that causes pimples.
  1. Crush some peppermint leaves to extract the juice.
  2. Apply the juice gently on your pimples and leave it for 10 minutes.
  3. Wash your skin with cold water.
If fresh peppermint leaves are not available, you can use peppermint oil, which contains a number of vitamins and essential fatty acids. Take two to three drops of peppermint oil and apply it on your pimples. Massage the oil for a few minutes and then rinse with water.

9. Cucumber

Cucumber is a rich source of potassium and vitamins such as A, C and E. It also has a cooling and soothing effect on the skin.
  1. Cut one or two fresh cucumbers into pieces and soak them in water for about an hour. The nutrients, such as vitamin A, potassium and chlorophyll will transfer to the water.
  2. Strain the water and drink it, or use the water to wash your face.
You can also make a face mask by grinding one cucumber. Apply the mask on your face and allow it to dry for 15 minutes. Wash your skin with warm water. This will help clean dirt and bacteria from your pores.

10. Papaya

Papaya fruit has a number of properties that help in the treatment of pimples. It is a good source of the antioxidant vitamin A, and it has enzymes that help reduce inflammation and make your skin soft and smooth. In addition, the exfoliating capability present in papaya will remove dead skin cells and help clear clogged pores. It is simple to use — just crush raw papaya pieces to extract its juice and apply it over the pimples.

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